Wind City Stories Pt. III: Hear No Evil, See All Evil
Jul 26, 2016 12:02:46 GMT -6
The Polar Phantasm, Bonnie Blue, and 1 more like this
Post by Preecha Kamon on Jul 26, 2016 12:02:46 GMT -6
"TO the States or any one of them, or any city of the States, Resist
much, obey little,
Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved,
Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city of this earth, ever after-
ward resumes its liberty."
- Walt Whitman 'To The States'
Armand De La Fontaine: Okay, it’s official, I’m not getting any of this.
Armand was pacing back and forth atop the decaying altar at the front of the sanctuary of their abandoned church headquarters. The red carpet that led up the way was moldy and turning black in patches almost as consistent as the holes in the wall. The wooden, cross-hanging, martyr near the back of the stage was leaning to the left on its damaged staff as it rotted away in a green-brownish growth; missing one of its holey hands due to termites or maybe vandalism from long ago. Rocks sat just a foot or so beyond the incomplete stain-glass windows at each side of him. Sacred portraits were faded if not spray-painted or ripped out entirely. The pews were busted through, flipped over, or reeked of the vile, potent piss of an alcoholic vagabond who has long since been swallowed up by The Wave. The destruction was countless but the inhabitants of this once sacred building bared no sympathy or concern for its honor.
Hophni was sitting down at a front pew that had miraculously been left untouched by the growing volatility of mankind. He rested his forearms on his knees and interlocked his fingers, watching Armand as he continued to aimlessly walk the now desecrated platform. This was a common occurrence for a last few weeks in the very rare instances they weren’t surveying gang activity and hunting down clues to why Hophni was frozen away and being delivered to the Triad. Armand would take the incomprehensible stranger into the sanctuary and go over once again what Hophni has been trying to explain from the very beginning. No one was completely sure why Armand was so obsessed about it but a studier of character would be able to tell you that Armand was a control freak and even if the information could be looney and, in the end, a wild goose chase, he would prefer to have that information; as “a lie can be just as important as the truth…”
This was the fifth time attempting it. It was generally the same interaction every time. Armand would ask, Hophni would try explaining it but always lose the former crime boss near the beginning. The explanation contained a lot of abstract existential and quantum-level concepts. Things of our lives that almost seemed purposefully inexplainable. Armand by far was not a scientific man but the disconnect here? Neither was Hophni. But it was his life to try to make sense of.
Hophni: I’m not sure how else to explain it. It is not an easy concept to fathom. Honestly, I don’t understand it fully either but these are the aspects I find to be consistent in my observations.
Armand stopped pacing and wiped both his hands down his face as he could feel his brain coming close to short circuiting trying to conceive it.
Armand De La Fontaine: Okay, from the beginning…
Hophni: I feel like this is just an exercise in futility...
Armand De La Fontaine: Just!...please...from the beginning.
Hophni: Okay, so...You are familiar with the idea of infinite realities?
Armand De La Fontaine: Yeah yeah, watched Rick and Morty...I get that it is something people thought up…
Hophni stood to his feet, walked up the altar, and stood in front of Armand; placing both his hands upon the struggling man’s shoulders.
Hophni: That is not enough. You have to understand what and why...What most people think of is that if you flip a coin, the two possible outcomes create a split, yeah? The idea being that all possible outcomes play out on separate time-lines…
Hophni stepped back and pulled out a coin and a six sided die from the pockets of his red leather jacket.
Hophni: Same thing with the die, more sides, hypothetically more diverting timelines…
Armand De La Fontaine: So you are saying we started out with one reality and it became infinite…
Hophni: That is the idea but no. That is not how it actually works...Every reality already exists and it isn’t necessarily infinite. I can see all of them - not to mention an extension of their echoes - ...well, there is a sort of me in each least in the first six dimensional directions.
Armand threw his hands up before turning away and rubbing his eyes.
Armand De La Fontaine: See, that is where you are losing me! You use these fucking terms, you tell me “sort of”, “kind of”, “well, actually…”, and how am I supposed to get it?
Hophni huffed as he scratched the back of his head. He was at a loss. It was true that the lack of Hophni’s ability to pinpoint facts and concrete details kept thing thing far from conceivable. Usually he didn’t have to explain it at all or at the very least, people shrugged and moved on. This was the first time he had to flesh out the idea to other people. He looked around the church until he peered over to the Jesus figure, the face half consumed by the rot. He grimaced for a moment before getting an idea. He stepped over and stood in front of the figure.
Hophni: You know, this man right here, his ideas...his thoughts were much different than people interpreted them to be. Why do you think he wanted all men to love each other, to care for each other? Why do you think despite centuries of humanity believing and teaching this or that, that he came out speaking against those things? Don’t judge the prostitutes, don’t judge the thieves, don’t attack your rival, don’t despise humanity; yet instead grieve for them.
Armand sighed and shrugged; obviously at wits end.
Armand De La Fontaine: I don’t know. Hippy-dippy love crap? It is easy to say the world’s problems would be solved if we hugged and shared. Ya’ know. It’s easy. Never was all that into the good book…
Hophni reached up and touched the face of the old and universal figure.
Hophni: No...No, it isn’t that. Peace, true painful. Think about it like this. Say you strip away God. Despite what one believes, lets say that it is fact that God does not exist. What are we left with in the story of Jesus? Now, Jesus claimed God spoke to him but if we continue on the idea that there is no god, Jesus was either schizophrenic or knew there was no God. Let us say the latter...This means he had to know the story of his birth was not true, he was not birthed from God’s divine intervention. Instead, he was born in a way that was condemned for no other reason than religion said it was bad. A child that was born out of wedlock in an age that allowed a woman to be stoned for less.
He would look at his mother with loving eyes, knowing the beautiful soul inside and couldn’t possibly comprehend the hatred such a good and honest person would have faced if the truth had been told. She was just confused, she was innocent, she was human and imperfect as all humans are and can’t help but be. This would open his eyes to a whole different reality. Other people would see the righteous morals of their belief being delivered down upon the wicked; but all he saw was innocent people who were lost and never asked to be born, stoned by a furious and equally lost and confused mob who did what they had been told was right for hundreds of years. How painful do you think that was? Watching death for a silence that disguised itself as choir. It was brother killing brother for a reward that would not come and no one was the wiser.
So, what the boy did was form a plan. He saw the way religion controlled people and he remembered the story his mother had to tell. People looked at him as an awe-inspiring figure in a world hungry for a prophet. Being the only one who saw what was really going on and being in this odd position he was raised up in, he took it as his responsibility to do something about.
For the continuation of his life, he fed people their lies but while doing so, he would bleed in his truth. He told humanity that these people they chastised were their brothers - that one is just as sinful as the other and that one was just as important to cherish as the other. That in God’s eyes, there was no distinguishable difference between your sins; not because even the smallest sin is great in size but because the love he feels in his own creations allows it that any sin is worth forgiving and that if God is willing to forgive any of us, it would only be a sin to continue to hate what God has exalted.
But Jesus not only lifted the weak, he also lowered the self-righteous who had made hatred the ruling fist. Those who had put their wants and their beliefs ahead of others in order to benefit themselves the most. He wanted to burn the bridge and cut off the false judges, so no one could feel they had the right to feel higher than anyone else. ‘See the hypocrite who must be seen praying out in public as to feel higher than those who do not follow him? Do not be like him for his motives are false. See the one who denies his brethren sanctuary as he wishes not to mingle with the dirty? Do not be like him for no one has more right to the light of salvation than those who suffer in the dark. Beware the false shepard…’
What if in saying he was the son of God, he was not claiming a spot at the throne but instead trying to remind the believers that we were all children of God and that we shall all inherit paradise if we follow our need to love. He used his pain, the pain of others, the pain of his loved ones to understand...He used that pain to help people see what he saw. If they could remember their agony and suffering and realize that their struggle and confusion is no different than the struggle of others, that we are not so different, then maybe we could finally realize we all came from the same seed and there is no reason to fight anymore.
Armand turned to face Hophni, his face full of the pondering that was taking shape inside though maybe still infected with a cynicism that kept him distant…
Armand De La Fontaine: Doesn’t seem that worked out so well today buddy…
Hophni: Armand...He saw that we were all the same. He saw that we are one that faces the trouble of being a million. Each and every person is a different actuality of yourself. He or she is you if you lived here or there, if you were raised by them or those, if you faced this or that, if you were born in a heritage of suffering or comfort. Every person on this Earth are the different combinations of possibilities. Jesus knew that but the only thing he couldn’t see is how much bigger it got. He couldn’t see that the connections went beyond his perception. But I can...I can see more. I can see our neighbors and how confused and lost they are because they don’t see the big picture like I do. I can see that it is all one that sees itself as a million different realities because they don’t know. I can see that there is no higher reality than another and that all realities, all people deserve a balance. Someone is trying to throw off that balance, someone is going beyond realities to capture my different selves to threaten my work, and we need to find out who!
There was a sort of liveliness in Armand’s eyes that showed he was narrowing in on what all this meant. He still had so many questions but the big picture was starting to become clearer. Though there was a haunting feeling of something beyond him, that there was a huge game of chess and the board was much bigger and the pawns much more numerous than he could possibly have imagined. There was a feeling of helplessness slowly spreading throughout him. But before it could fully actualize, there was a knock from the back of the sanctuary.
Both Armand and Hophni turned to see Preecha standing in the doorway before he signalled them to follow him...They reached the office where the operations computer sat with the news on. Subtitles were playing under as the title card splayed in big white letters: “Deigo Garcia Found Dead”
The subtitles read as such: “Once again, we are reporting from the crime scene where Deigo Garcia, member of the Latin Kings fighting league and also suspected drug trafficker,”
“was shot down in a drive-by which the police are currently expecting to have been set up by The White Lotus Triad who have most of their activity in Little China; bordering Latin King territory.”
“The event in question transpired during yet another riot breaking out which the police believe to now have subdued.”
“The riots are believed to be a result from the anti-religious laws that David Sanchez had put into place.”
Armand De La Fontaine: Well, however you plan on fixing the world, it ain’t gonna be through religion like your Jesus buddy.
Hophni: Religion haven’t led the people for a long time. It is all just hatred now…
The text continued: “Despite being a member of a criminal organization, Mr. Garcia was an advocate against gang violence”
“Becoming a figure in the community in an odd promotion for non-violent continuation between gangs, many believing that maybe he was trying to bring an end”
“to the separation of the rivalries that has been going for years in Chicago. Many now fear that this may lead to an even more intense line drawn in the sand”
“as a police worry this may lead to a violent gang war…”
Preecha turned off the news transmission and looked to the two with a raised eyebrow. Hophni and Armand both looked at each other.
Hophni: You think this was really the Triad?
Armand thought for a moment as he scratched his chin.
Armand De La Fontaine: I don’t think so...Something doesn’t seem right.
Suddenly, Armand walked over to the closet without warning and pulled out a suit jacket that he threw on before turning back to the other two with that look of plotting that was ever so familiar to Preecha.
Armand De La Fontaine: Preecha, you search the streets, get what you can from whoever you can find...Hophni...You stay here and man the computer. Make sure he doesn’t die out there. I’m going to make a small visit. We meet back tomorrow and...I don’t know but if something doesn’t come of this, Chicago is going to be in ruins…
Armand rushed at the door as Hophni and Preecha looked at each other, surprised yet confused.
The former crime boss had a hard time believing the Triad would do something so stupid and not at least cover their tracks in some way. Preecha and Armand had been watching them for months and there had been no movement in recent memory of them going after the Latin Kings. They shared a small border of territory but almost at a tactical disadvantage, as not only are they low on resources due to The Wave, their territory is at risk year round from being swallowed up and on top of that there is no exit strategy for them; they are an island in this gangland. It is more likely they would attempt to form a relation rather than make the first volley. They are a pragmatic group and something like assassinating Diego is the last thing they need.
Armand strolled down the sidewalk of a grimy back alley road in no real rush. The dim streetlights flickered before going out for a solid minute; leaving only the light from the moon bouncing off the windows of retailers, banks, and dilapidated cars to guide him around. He had his hands in his pockets as he started stepping in a rhythm, humming the tune of a song he hadn’t heard in a long time.
Suddenly two Asian men in tank tops and leather pants, covered from top to bottom in tattoos, walked from around the corner. They appeared to be annoyed and ready to lay waste to the first person they saw. Hophni didn’t panic as these were the very people he was looking to run into. Figured a white guy in a suit, walking around Little China so late at night, would be odd enough to draw the attention of someone.
The two spotted him and began to approach in a menacing fashion but before they got their hands on him, he pulled his hands out of his pockets and raised them in a sign of surrender. The two looked at each other, perplexed before turning back to the French descendent, waiting for an answer.
Armand De La Fontaine: I need you to take me to someone important. Doesn’t have to be the tippy-top but preferably someone on the food-chain. Not another goon like you two. If you need a reason, just let them know I am the reason you all lost a pretty big package not too long ago and that we have been watching you for a long long time...Oh and also that I want to help…
In the meantime, Preecha had suited up and taken to the roof tops. He was heading to the border of Armor Square to the Lower West Side. It had to be hot zone but Preecha was certain that the only information he was going to be able to find was there. If there was any info to extract at all. As he continued to hop from building to building, he could see the main streets were small doses of chaos as the riots broke into separate little whirls of druggies and drunks smashing windows and fighting. Normally, he would jump down and try to break up the nonsense but tonight was going to be filled with an exhausting amount of them and he had a different objective in mind.
He continued onward as he heard an odd whistling. And yes you read that right, “HEARD”...It took Preecha a moment to think about it but quickly realized that the whistling was coming from Hophni, the only person he had been able to hear in all of his adult life. Almost this alone was enough for Preecha to believe every word that came out of his mouth. Understand it? No. Believe it? Yes…
Hophni: Be careful Preecha. I will do what I can here but I am kind of flying blind. This event is only raising small tremors in the realities that haven’t blotted out to me. It will be hard for me to point out any interesting or pertinent information. This computer is the best I got at the moment.
Preecha grunted as none of that seemed to make sense to him but he got the jist that it meant things are about the same as they were before. Preecha was fine with that…
It took him a good bit of time but he eventually reached the border and from the looks of it, nothing has slowed down. For those who could here, the streets were alive with gun fire, glass shattering, endless amounts of people yelling, and tires squealing. This was almost worst than the riots. In the riots, it was people with sticks and stones randomly aiming their grief in hopes someone would hear. Here, these people aimed to kill one another in a cause they don’t fully understand. Preecha watched a top as police circled around the border war but did not actually enter into the war zone.
The Muay Thai kickboxer dropped down to the street a little ways from the battle. He slipped his way around corners and through the shadows, making his way slowly to the outskirts of battle. On his way, he spotted a few small chases and skirmishes. First was two members of the Latin Kings chasing down a triad member, firing away with semi-automatics, juking around dumpsters, cars and the like, until one of the bullets caught the Chinese Gangster in the leg. He fell hard to the ground just down the road from Preecha who instantly placed himself against a nearby wall, deep in the darkness. The two Latin King members strolled up casually, chuckling to themselves as the Triad member scrambled backwards; using his hands to scoot as fast as he could. One of the attackers raided his semi-automatic and a moment passed over before the trigger was pulled and blood splattered on the concrete behind the victim.
The body went limp instantly and the two aggressors turned around and walked back from whence they came. Preecha moved up to the corner and watched the two as they returned to the bulk of the action. He looked the other way and looked upon the dead criminal with a hole in his head that spilled with blood, leaving the man with a crimson mask draining into his eyes. Preecha continued sneaking around the perimeter until coming upon another incident. A Chinese man was screaming as he backed up with a Latin Kings member as a hostage, knife to his throat. Three others followed him with guns raised in anticipation, waiting for the opening to let loose.
Triad Member: Stop! No further! Or I kill him!
The three stopped and looked at each other; their guns still raised.
Hostage Member: Shoot this fuck!
Triad Member: Shut up!
Latin King Member #1: You fuckers think you can kill Diego and get away with it? We’ll have your turf before the night is over!
Triad Member: We didn’t fucking kill him! This is all fucked up!
Latin King Member #2: What you mean you didn’t kill him! It was your guys who gunned him down, you fucking chink bastards!
Triad Member: This is a frame job!
Latin King Member #1: What the fuck you talkin abo…
Before he could finish that statement, a bullet flew from out of nowhere and took out the hostage. Everyone looked over to witness, from out of the shadows, four men in heavy kevlar riot gear and gas masks appear with fully-automatic rifles. Another pause passed over before these faceless soldiers blasted away both parties. Preecha hid in a deep doorway, appearing around the edge as the soldiers checked the bodies and one reported back through a headset, voice distorted.
Soldier: All clear here. Continue to contain the scuffles with in the perimeter and kill any threats as they appear.
Soon the soldiers are gone and Preecha is almost frozen in confusion.
Hophni: Is this how people normally feel like? No idea what is going on, constant new elements entering the fold, and constant fear of being caught off guard? Because honestly, I am not liking it too much…
Suddenly, out of the corner of Preecha’s view, movement. The fighter quickly looked over and spot a man looking back at him before taking off at a run. Preecha reacted quickly and set off after him. The man cut through a few alleys and tried to knock over a few trash cans but with the night vision goggles and audio/visual relay, Preecha was hardly phased as he continued uninterrupted in his hunt. The man attempted to rush up the latter but unfortunately he didn’t know this was Ānjìng he was dealing with. Without a moment of hesitation, Preecha jumped up unto a dumpster and tackled the man off the ladder. Colliding with the ground knocked the man out instantly. Preecha took a good look and noticed the man was Asian but was not a Triad member as he instantly recognized the Yakuza tattoo on his neck.
Hophni: Wait...what is a Yakuza doing here? They have nothing to…
But before Hophni could finish, there was a distorted voice in the distance.
Soldier: I heard something. Sounded like some rattling and a loud thud. Going to check it out.
Hophni: Preecha, you have to hide him. He could be the only lead we get tonight.
Preecha looked around and spotted a tall condemned apartment building not too far away. He threw the unconscious Yakuza member over his shoulder and ran as fast as he could into the abandoned building.
Meanwhile, Armand is guided into a room with a bag over his head and two beefy bodyguards on either side. The bag is ripped off his head. His eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, the only light being from a window from behind. It was the bare bones of a room, brick walls surrounding them, no lamps, computers, or television, just a long table and on the other end was Zhong Huan, the enforcer.
Zhong Huan: So, you are the one responsible for that two man raid, stealing from us!
Armand De La Fontaine: Hmm? Oh, well, I think responsibility is an word, Mr. Huan. From my perspective, you are the one responsible by letting yourself get raided by two people...Though...These two were very well trained and are exceptionally talented so I imagine there wasn’t much you can do about it. Haha...I guess I would consider myself responsible…
Armand laughed but was quickly silenced as one of the beefy bodyguards slammed his head into the table.
Zhong Huan: Mr…?
Armand De La Fontaine: Mr. La Fontaine…Armand De La Fontaine…
Zhong Huan: Mr. Fontaine…
Armand De La Fontaine: Nope, not what I said. Mr. LA Fontaine...Very important.
BAM! Once again his face was slammed into the table.
Zhong Huan: Mr. LA Fontaine. Truly, you must understand at this precise moment, you are in our domain. You may think it is funny to act so confident but this is hardly a time for you to act in control as you hold zero leverage, you admitted you stole from us, as well as admitting to having surveyed us for months. It is only out of curiosity that we don’t kill you right away. So, please, can we get straight to the point?
Armand De La Fontaine: First off, a few corrections. One.) I have never been one to believe in home field advantage. Power is about where your pawns are, not where your king is. It is no surprise you and your gang are under fire right now if you truly see it as such. Two.) I always have some form of leverage, it would just be silly to reveal it outright unlike you who played his cards so early. Three.) You didn’t let me live out of curiosity. You let me live and brought me here because you are in the shittiest position you could possibly imagine and you are scrambling for answers, so why not throw the dice and give this man a shot. He did manage to steal from us as well as remain undetected for a good while. It only makes sense.
Zhong Huan: Are you really here to argue semantics and wording with me?!
Armand crossed his legs and sat back.
Armand De La Fontaine: Nope. I just wanted it clear what is really going on here. Your delusion is what got you into this mess after all. But anyways. I know your gang didn’t kill Diego…
There was a subtle sound of vibration from Armand’s pocket. He reached in and pulled out a cellphone. He read the text and then placed it back into his pockets.
Armand De La Fontaine: and from the looks of it, we also have a lead on who did. Here is the deal. One of my men has a person of interest right now. I have deal for you and you will accept.
Zhong Huan: And if I don’t.
Armand De La Fontaine: Well, then it is simple. My guy kills this person who might be the only person in captivity who can give you the info you need, my hundreds of other men will raid this place (that is right, don’t think I didn’t have someone trailing me) and since most of your men are busy fighting this nonsense war, I will leave here without a scratch and you will leave here in a black body bag…
Zhong Huan: If you truly have so many men, then why aren’t you fighting for territory and trying to make a spot for yourself.
Armand De La Fontaine: Many reasons, but partially because Chicago is over saturated with crime as it is. Why break into a business with such cut throat competition? Partially because I am a peaceful man and don’t like wasting the blood of my men when I feel like we could just shake hands instead. I am more of a network man. I like to build a structure of communication and understanding, which it appears you need badly. And also my days as the king are over, I am into a different business now. So, here is the deal. We get that guy here, he tells you everything and in exchange, me and my men are untouchable. You can’t fuck with our operations and you sure as hell can’t have your package back, he works for us now. Get over it quickly, it will be less painful. Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me what you choose to do, because at this rate, the Triad will be nothing and I will be free to do as I please anyways. I am here right now, extending you the courtesy since I am indeed such a peaceful man. So, now that I have thoroughly mopped the floor with you, if you will excuse me, I need to step out for a smoke…
And with that, Armand stood up and walked out the door to wait for Preecha’s arrival. But there was a difficulty there…
Preecha was on the third floor of a seven floor apartment building, he was still carrying the Yakuza member over his shoulder, and the audio-vision sensor in his goggles were going crazy in all directions as a handful of Soldiers were searching for the two. Preecha managed to break into an apartment by breaking down the door of one and using the fire escape to go one down and slip through the luckily unlocked window of the one below. At this moment, the unconscious MacGuffin was laying on the bed and Preecha stared at the door with his pistol out of its holster, preparing for one helluva fight!
Hophni: Armand says that we need to keep the Yakuza member alive and deliver him to the triad for questioning.
Preecha grunted.
Hophni: I know, we would probably be better off being the ones to question him but for the sake of peaceful continuation, we have to make the delivery. You going to have to keep him alive anyways, the drop off is going to be the easy part.
Back at the base, Hophni was endlessly rapping his fingers on the desk. It had been a very long time since he felt so helpless to the whim of things. It was an unusual position for him. An unknown number of his perspectives were closed off, most of them being close to his cluster, which for the most part left him unaware what might be lurking between events, no echoes to determine the next move…
…: Hopni…
…: Hophni…
Hophni felt something open up. It was as if a limb that had fallen asleep had woken up and beyond that was fully active and moving around. Hophni concentrated for a moment until he saw a Hotel...Bellhops, managers, customers, all walking about. His vision moved on and up to the third floor where there was a long stretch of hallway and several members of roomservice pushing around trolleys and members of maintenance checking each unoccupied room. He realized that somehow he was looking into a reality of close relations and this hotel must be the mirror of the apartment…
…: Sorry I’ve been so quiet. Been needing to keep a low profile since I got out of that chamber.
Hophni: Glad to have you back, Bellum. Figured you would have a way to get yourself out of a tight spot. Something fishy is going on and it may just be bigger than all of us…
Bellum: Yeah, I have a theory but we’ll talk about that later. Let’s help your friend out first.
Hophni: Okay...Preecha, from the looks of it, some of the Soldiers are searching from room to room and they are not far off from yours. You might have to fight your way out but you can’t go running and gunning. Find a closet or something to hide in...Take the Yakuza member with you. Worst case scenario, they don’t know he is there with you, you can leave him there for the time being and we can come back to get him when you have left the building and they come following you…
Preecha lifted the unconscious criminal off the bed and dragged him into the closet, pulling the door until there was only a little sliver to see out of. Only seconds later, the door was violently busted in and three soldiers cam running in with guns raised high. Preecha gripped his Desert Eagle tightly as he patiently waited and watched for an opening to form...But before he could make a move, his audio-vision sensor picked up a ruffling behind him. He looked back to see that the Yakuza member was slowly coming out of a daze. He looked up at Preecha, going wide eyed and paled but just as he was about to say something, Preecha covered his mouth and put his finger to his own mask covered mouth, signaling the criminal to stay quiet.
He showed the criminal the menacing figures moving around outside the closet but he only chuckled before stepping out of the closet to present himself. Preecha was stunned as he watched. But for all the confidence, a shot was fired, barely missing the Yakuza member. Following that, Preecha jumped out, tackled him to the ground and began firing at the soldiers.
The rounds didn’t manage to pierce the kevlar armor they wore but did manage to knock them back hard enough that Preecha could bring the Yakuza member to his feet and run out the opening, into the hallway. But out there they faced more soldiers far down the hallway. Preecha urgently looked around until he spotted the door to the stairwell. He tossed the criminal into it, forcing it open before running after, barely being missed by the cascade of bullets.
The kickboxer quickly grabbed the Yakuza member again and rushed him down the stairs, making his way to the first floor. He looked at the criminal who was wide eyed with shock as he for some reason didn’t expect to be shot at by state goons. Preecha thought about that for a moment and how that related to the assassination of Diego Garcia but before he searched too deep into the idea, Hophni broke in.
Hophni: Careful, there is a troop of them at the bottom of the stairwell, you are going to have to exit onto the second floor and find another way down.
Preecha got to the second floor and hurried on through the door. He looked both ways down the hall but on the far end was a single soldier coming around the corner. Upon seeing Preecha, the Soldier surprisingly threw his gun to the side and cracked his neck. Preecha smiled as he turned to the criminal and pointed down, signalling him to stay put.
The soldier began walking down the hall and Preecha proceeded to do the same but it only took them seconds before they were at a full charge after each other. Preecha came out with a flying knee but the Soldier ducked. They both spun around and the soldier returned with a roundhouse but Preecha was able to bring up his arm fast enough to block. In one fluid motion, he wrapped his around his opponent’s leg and tried to lean in with a back spin elbow but the soldier was too fast, blocking the strike and replying with a knee to Preecha’s side. Preecha stepped back, gripping his side but didn’t wait long to launch into a teep kick to the face, sending the soldier back a couple of steps going Preecha the room to come in with another running knee, making contact with the soldier’s mask. But the soldier was quick enough to wrap his arms around the kickboxer’s leg and pull him over his head.
Preecha came flying over but didn’t let himself collide with the ground, instead rolling out and taking another charge at his opponent but almost in a blink he was met with a BOOM! Superkick, sending Preecha to the ground in a daze. The soldier turned away and aimed his attention at the Yakuza member who had remained there during the fight. The criminal went wide eyed again as he stared on in fear. The soldier began walking down the hall but before he reached the target, he heard a gravelly shout come from behind.
Preecha Kamon: Yoooou! Meeeee! We still fight!
Preecha pulled down his mask, revealing his bloody nose as he approached the Soldier. Meeting in the middle, they started exchanging blows; knees, kicks, punches. Straight unblocked strikes to each man. The soldier came in with a heavy blow, looking to end it. But Preecha side stepped and responded with a round house of his own, knocking off the soldier’s helmet and sending him to the ground.
Preecha was shocked to find a familiar face underneath. What he was looking at was Frank Venable.
Hophni: Wait. That doesn’t make any sense, this doesn’t line up…
Preecha lifted his gaze from what appeared to be more questions than answers only to realize that the man he was supposed to be watching was gone. Preecha quickly took to the stairwell, racing down to the first floor, only to find through the window of the door, a dead body with a bullet hole right through the head. Preecha stared in shock as multiple soldiers were walking away. One removing his helmet as he did so.
Hophni: I...was that...FPV? But, you just left him up...Even I am having a hard time understanding this...You need to leave now...I’ll contact Armand and let him know we had a problem with the drop off.
Hophni sighed as he used the computer to call up Armand who was standing outside what appeared to be a warehouse from outside but inside was an almost fortress-like structure. He was smoking an American spirit when his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and put it on speaker.
Armand De La Fontaine: What do you have for me?
Hophni: It’s a no go. Terminated. I would leave right now if I were you. When you get back, we have some interesting information
Armand De La Fontaine: Okay. If it wasn’t possible, then it wasn’t possible. If Preecha couldn’t do it, then no one could. I’ll see you back at base.
As Armand hung up, Zhong Huan stepped out of the building with the two beefy bodyguards next to him.
Zhong Huan: Where is my man?
Armand smirked as he turned around.
Armand De La Fontaine: Well, I’m afraid I have to go. Remember this was a courtesy, and sometimes courtesies have to go unfulfilled in ways. The important thing was the idea and that we talked. I imagine we will be in touch... ‘Til next time...Au Revoir!
Armand turned away then proceeded into the dark night as Zhong snarled but did not go after the intruder. He simply turned back and simply entered the warehouse.
much, obey little,
Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved,
Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city of this earth, ever after-
ward resumes its liberty."
- Walt Whitman 'To The States'
Armand De La Fontaine: Okay, it’s official, I’m not getting any of this.
Armand was pacing back and forth atop the decaying altar at the front of the sanctuary of their abandoned church headquarters. The red carpet that led up the way was moldy and turning black in patches almost as consistent as the holes in the wall. The wooden, cross-hanging, martyr near the back of the stage was leaning to the left on its damaged staff as it rotted away in a green-brownish growth; missing one of its holey hands due to termites or maybe vandalism from long ago. Rocks sat just a foot or so beyond the incomplete stain-glass windows at each side of him. Sacred portraits were faded if not spray-painted or ripped out entirely. The pews were busted through, flipped over, or reeked of the vile, potent piss of an alcoholic vagabond who has long since been swallowed up by The Wave. The destruction was countless but the inhabitants of this once sacred building bared no sympathy or concern for its honor.
Hophni was sitting down at a front pew that had miraculously been left untouched by the growing volatility of mankind. He rested his forearms on his knees and interlocked his fingers, watching Armand as he continued to aimlessly walk the now desecrated platform. This was a common occurrence for a last few weeks in the very rare instances they weren’t surveying gang activity and hunting down clues to why Hophni was frozen away and being delivered to the Triad. Armand would take the incomprehensible stranger into the sanctuary and go over once again what Hophni has been trying to explain from the very beginning. No one was completely sure why Armand was so obsessed about it but a studier of character would be able to tell you that Armand was a control freak and even if the information could be looney and, in the end, a wild goose chase, he would prefer to have that information; as “a lie can be just as important as the truth…”
This was the fifth time attempting it. It was generally the same interaction every time. Armand would ask, Hophni would try explaining it but always lose the former crime boss near the beginning. The explanation contained a lot of abstract existential and quantum-level concepts. Things of our lives that almost seemed purposefully inexplainable. Armand by far was not a scientific man but the disconnect here? Neither was Hophni. But it was his life to try to make sense of.
Hophni: I’m not sure how else to explain it. It is not an easy concept to fathom. Honestly, I don’t understand it fully either but these are the aspects I find to be consistent in my observations.
Armand stopped pacing and wiped both his hands down his face as he could feel his brain coming close to short circuiting trying to conceive it.
Armand De La Fontaine: Okay, from the beginning…
Hophni: I feel like this is just an exercise in futility...
Armand De La Fontaine: Just!...please...from the beginning.
Hophni: Okay, so...You are familiar with the idea of infinite realities?
Armand De La Fontaine: Yeah yeah, watched Rick and Morty...I get that it is something people thought up…
Hophni stood to his feet, walked up the altar, and stood in front of Armand; placing both his hands upon the struggling man’s shoulders.
Hophni: That is not enough. You have to understand what and why...What most people think of is that if you flip a coin, the two possible outcomes create a split, yeah? The idea being that all possible outcomes play out on separate time-lines…
Hophni stepped back and pulled out a coin and a six sided die from the pockets of his red leather jacket.
Hophni: Same thing with the die, more sides, hypothetically more diverting timelines…
Armand De La Fontaine: So you are saying we started out with one reality and it became infinite…
Hophni: That is the idea but no. That is not how it actually works...Every reality already exists and it isn’t necessarily infinite. I can see all of them - not to mention an extension of their echoes - ...well, there is a sort of me in each least in the first six dimensional directions.
Armand threw his hands up before turning away and rubbing his eyes.
Armand De La Fontaine: See, that is where you are losing me! You use these fucking terms, you tell me “sort of”, “kind of”, “well, actually…”, and how am I supposed to get it?
Hophni huffed as he scratched the back of his head. He was at a loss. It was true that the lack of Hophni’s ability to pinpoint facts and concrete details kept thing thing far from conceivable. Usually he didn’t have to explain it at all or at the very least, people shrugged and moved on. This was the first time he had to flesh out the idea to other people. He looked around the church until he peered over to the Jesus figure, the face half consumed by the rot. He grimaced for a moment before getting an idea. He stepped over and stood in front of the figure.
Hophni: You know, this man right here, his ideas...his thoughts were much different than people interpreted them to be. Why do you think he wanted all men to love each other, to care for each other? Why do you think despite centuries of humanity believing and teaching this or that, that he came out speaking against those things? Don’t judge the prostitutes, don’t judge the thieves, don’t attack your rival, don’t despise humanity; yet instead grieve for them.
Armand sighed and shrugged; obviously at wits end.
Armand De La Fontaine: I don’t know. Hippy-dippy love crap? It is easy to say the world’s problems would be solved if we hugged and shared. Ya’ know. It’s easy. Never was all that into the good book…
Hophni reached up and touched the face of the old and universal figure.
Hophni: No...No, it isn’t that. Peace, true painful. Think about it like this. Say you strip away God. Despite what one believes, lets say that it is fact that God does not exist. What are we left with in the story of Jesus? Now, Jesus claimed God spoke to him but if we continue on the idea that there is no god, Jesus was either schizophrenic or knew there was no God. Let us say the latter...This means he had to know the story of his birth was not true, he was not birthed from God’s divine intervention. Instead, he was born in a way that was condemned for no other reason than religion said it was bad. A child that was born out of wedlock in an age that allowed a woman to be stoned for less.
He would look at his mother with loving eyes, knowing the beautiful soul inside and couldn’t possibly comprehend the hatred such a good and honest person would have faced if the truth had been told. She was just confused, she was innocent, she was human and imperfect as all humans are and can’t help but be. This would open his eyes to a whole different reality. Other people would see the righteous morals of their belief being delivered down upon the wicked; but all he saw was innocent people who were lost and never asked to be born, stoned by a furious and equally lost and confused mob who did what they had been told was right for hundreds of years. How painful do you think that was? Watching death for a silence that disguised itself as choir. It was brother killing brother for a reward that would not come and no one was the wiser.
So, what the boy did was form a plan. He saw the way religion controlled people and he remembered the story his mother had to tell. People looked at him as an awe-inspiring figure in a world hungry for a prophet. Being the only one who saw what was really going on and being in this odd position he was raised up in, he took it as his responsibility to do something about.
For the continuation of his life, he fed people their lies but while doing so, he would bleed in his truth. He told humanity that these people they chastised were their brothers - that one is just as sinful as the other and that one was just as important to cherish as the other. That in God’s eyes, there was no distinguishable difference between your sins; not because even the smallest sin is great in size but because the love he feels in his own creations allows it that any sin is worth forgiving and that if God is willing to forgive any of us, it would only be a sin to continue to hate what God has exalted.
But Jesus not only lifted the weak, he also lowered the self-righteous who had made hatred the ruling fist. Those who had put their wants and their beliefs ahead of others in order to benefit themselves the most. He wanted to burn the bridge and cut off the false judges, so no one could feel they had the right to feel higher than anyone else. ‘See the hypocrite who must be seen praying out in public as to feel higher than those who do not follow him? Do not be like him for his motives are false. See the one who denies his brethren sanctuary as he wishes not to mingle with the dirty? Do not be like him for no one has more right to the light of salvation than those who suffer in the dark. Beware the false shepard…’
What if in saying he was the son of God, he was not claiming a spot at the throne but instead trying to remind the believers that we were all children of God and that we shall all inherit paradise if we follow our need to love. He used his pain, the pain of others, the pain of his loved ones to understand...He used that pain to help people see what he saw. If they could remember their agony and suffering and realize that their struggle and confusion is no different than the struggle of others, that we are not so different, then maybe we could finally realize we all came from the same seed and there is no reason to fight anymore.
Armand turned to face Hophni, his face full of the pondering that was taking shape inside though maybe still infected with a cynicism that kept him distant…
Armand De La Fontaine: Doesn’t seem that worked out so well today buddy…
Hophni: Armand...He saw that we were all the same. He saw that we are one that faces the trouble of being a million. Each and every person is a different actuality of yourself. He or she is you if you lived here or there, if you were raised by them or those, if you faced this or that, if you were born in a heritage of suffering or comfort. Every person on this Earth are the different combinations of possibilities. Jesus knew that but the only thing he couldn’t see is how much bigger it got. He couldn’t see that the connections went beyond his perception. But I can...I can see more. I can see our neighbors and how confused and lost they are because they don’t see the big picture like I do. I can see that it is all one that sees itself as a million different realities because they don’t know. I can see that there is no higher reality than another and that all realities, all people deserve a balance. Someone is trying to throw off that balance, someone is going beyond realities to capture my different selves to threaten my work, and we need to find out who!
There was a sort of liveliness in Armand’s eyes that showed he was narrowing in on what all this meant. He still had so many questions but the big picture was starting to become clearer. Though there was a haunting feeling of something beyond him, that there was a huge game of chess and the board was much bigger and the pawns much more numerous than he could possibly have imagined. There was a feeling of helplessness slowly spreading throughout him. But before it could fully actualize, there was a knock from the back of the sanctuary.
Both Armand and Hophni turned to see Preecha standing in the doorway before he signalled them to follow him...They reached the office where the operations computer sat with the news on. Subtitles were playing under as the title card splayed in big white letters: “Deigo Garcia Found Dead”
The subtitles read as such: “Once again, we are reporting from the crime scene where Deigo Garcia, member of the Latin Kings fighting league and also suspected drug trafficker,”
“was shot down in a drive-by which the police are currently expecting to have been set up by The White Lotus Triad who have most of their activity in Little China; bordering Latin King territory.”
“The event in question transpired during yet another riot breaking out which the police believe to now have subdued.”
“The riots are believed to be a result from the anti-religious laws that David Sanchez had put into place.”
Armand De La Fontaine: Well, however you plan on fixing the world, it ain’t gonna be through religion like your Jesus buddy.
Hophni: Religion haven’t led the people for a long time. It is all just hatred now…
The text continued: “Despite being a member of a criminal organization, Mr. Garcia was an advocate against gang violence”
“Becoming a figure in the community in an odd promotion for non-violent continuation between gangs, many believing that maybe he was trying to bring an end”
“to the separation of the rivalries that has been going for years in Chicago. Many now fear that this may lead to an even more intense line drawn in the sand”
“as a police worry this may lead to a violent gang war…”
Preecha turned off the news transmission and looked to the two with a raised eyebrow. Hophni and Armand both looked at each other.
Hophni: You think this was really the Triad?
Armand thought for a moment as he scratched his chin.
Armand De La Fontaine: I don’t think so...Something doesn’t seem right.
Suddenly, Armand walked over to the closet without warning and pulled out a suit jacket that he threw on before turning back to the other two with that look of plotting that was ever so familiar to Preecha.
Armand De La Fontaine: Preecha, you search the streets, get what you can from whoever you can find...Hophni...You stay here and man the computer. Make sure he doesn’t die out there. I’m going to make a small visit. We meet back tomorrow and...I don’t know but if something doesn’t come of this, Chicago is going to be in ruins…
Armand rushed at the door as Hophni and Preecha looked at each other, surprised yet confused.
The former crime boss had a hard time believing the Triad would do something so stupid and not at least cover their tracks in some way. Preecha and Armand had been watching them for months and there had been no movement in recent memory of them going after the Latin Kings. They shared a small border of territory but almost at a tactical disadvantage, as not only are they low on resources due to The Wave, their territory is at risk year round from being swallowed up and on top of that there is no exit strategy for them; they are an island in this gangland. It is more likely they would attempt to form a relation rather than make the first volley. They are a pragmatic group and something like assassinating Diego is the last thing they need.
Armand strolled down the sidewalk of a grimy back alley road in no real rush. The dim streetlights flickered before going out for a solid minute; leaving only the light from the moon bouncing off the windows of retailers, banks, and dilapidated cars to guide him around. He had his hands in his pockets as he started stepping in a rhythm, humming the tune of a song he hadn’t heard in a long time.
Suddenly two Asian men in tank tops and leather pants, covered from top to bottom in tattoos, walked from around the corner. They appeared to be annoyed and ready to lay waste to the first person they saw. Hophni didn’t panic as these were the very people he was looking to run into. Figured a white guy in a suit, walking around Little China so late at night, would be odd enough to draw the attention of someone.
The two spotted him and began to approach in a menacing fashion but before they got their hands on him, he pulled his hands out of his pockets and raised them in a sign of surrender. The two looked at each other, perplexed before turning back to the French descendent, waiting for an answer.
Armand De La Fontaine: I need you to take me to someone important. Doesn’t have to be the tippy-top but preferably someone on the food-chain. Not another goon like you two. If you need a reason, just let them know I am the reason you all lost a pretty big package not too long ago and that we have been watching you for a long long time...Oh and also that I want to help…
In the meantime, Preecha had suited up and taken to the roof tops. He was heading to the border of Armor Square to the Lower West Side. It had to be hot zone but Preecha was certain that the only information he was going to be able to find was there. If there was any info to extract at all. As he continued to hop from building to building, he could see the main streets were small doses of chaos as the riots broke into separate little whirls of druggies and drunks smashing windows and fighting. Normally, he would jump down and try to break up the nonsense but tonight was going to be filled with an exhausting amount of them and he had a different objective in mind.
He continued onward as he heard an odd whistling. And yes you read that right, “HEARD”...It took Preecha a moment to think about it but quickly realized that the whistling was coming from Hophni, the only person he had been able to hear in all of his adult life. Almost this alone was enough for Preecha to believe every word that came out of his mouth. Understand it? No. Believe it? Yes…
Hophni: Be careful Preecha. I will do what I can here but I am kind of flying blind. This event is only raising small tremors in the realities that haven’t blotted out to me. It will be hard for me to point out any interesting or pertinent information. This computer is the best I got at the moment.
Preecha grunted as none of that seemed to make sense to him but he got the jist that it meant things are about the same as they were before. Preecha was fine with that…
It took him a good bit of time but he eventually reached the border and from the looks of it, nothing has slowed down. For those who could here, the streets were alive with gun fire, glass shattering, endless amounts of people yelling, and tires squealing. This was almost worst than the riots. In the riots, it was people with sticks and stones randomly aiming their grief in hopes someone would hear. Here, these people aimed to kill one another in a cause they don’t fully understand. Preecha watched a top as police circled around the border war but did not actually enter into the war zone.
The Muay Thai kickboxer dropped down to the street a little ways from the battle. He slipped his way around corners and through the shadows, making his way slowly to the outskirts of battle. On his way, he spotted a few small chases and skirmishes. First was two members of the Latin Kings chasing down a triad member, firing away with semi-automatics, juking around dumpsters, cars and the like, until one of the bullets caught the Chinese Gangster in the leg. He fell hard to the ground just down the road from Preecha who instantly placed himself against a nearby wall, deep in the darkness. The two Latin King members strolled up casually, chuckling to themselves as the Triad member scrambled backwards; using his hands to scoot as fast as he could. One of the attackers raided his semi-automatic and a moment passed over before the trigger was pulled and blood splattered on the concrete behind the victim.
The body went limp instantly and the two aggressors turned around and walked back from whence they came. Preecha moved up to the corner and watched the two as they returned to the bulk of the action. He looked the other way and looked upon the dead criminal with a hole in his head that spilled with blood, leaving the man with a crimson mask draining into his eyes. Preecha continued sneaking around the perimeter until coming upon another incident. A Chinese man was screaming as he backed up with a Latin Kings member as a hostage, knife to his throat. Three others followed him with guns raised in anticipation, waiting for the opening to let loose.
Triad Member: Stop! No further! Or I kill him!
The three stopped and looked at each other; their guns still raised.
Hostage Member: Shoot this fuck!
Triad Member: Shut up!
Latin King Member #1: You fuckers think you can kill Diego and get away with it? We’ll have your turf before the night is over!
Triad Member: We didn’t fucking kill him! This is all fucked up!
Latin King Member #2: What you mean you didn’t kill him! It was your guys who gunned him down, you fucking chink bastards!
Triad Member: This is a frame job!
Latin King Member #1: What the fuck you talkin abo…
Before he could finish that statement, a bullet flew from out of nowhere and took out the hostage. Everyone looked over to witness, from out of the shadows, four men in heavy kevlar riot gear and gas masks appear with fully-automatic rifles. Another pause passed over before these faceless soldiers blasted away both parties. Preecha hid in a deep doorway, appearing around the edge as the soldiers checked the bodies and one reported back through a headset, voice distorted.
Soldier: All clear here. Continue to contain the scuffles with in the perimeter and kill any threats as they appear.
Soon the soldiers are gone and Preecha is almost frozen in confusion.
Hophni: Is this how people normally feel like? No idea what is going on, constant new elements entering the fold, and constant fear of being caught off guard? Because honestly, I am not liking it too much…
Suddenly, out of the corner of Preecha’s view, movement. The fighter quickly looked over and spot a man looking back at him before taking off at a run. Preecha reacted quickly and set off after him. The man cut through a few alleys and tried to knock over a few trash cans but with the night vision goggles and audio/visual relay, Preecha was hardly phased as he continued uninterrupted in his hunt. The man attempted to rush up the latter but unfortunately he didn’t know this was Ānjìng he was dealing with. Without a moment of hesitation, Preecha jumped up unto a dumpster and tackled the man off the ladder. Colliding with the ground knocked the man out instantly. Preecha took a good look and noticed the man was Asian but was not a Triad member as he instantly recognized the Yakuza tattoo on his neck.
Hophni: Wait...what is a Yakuza doing here? They have nothing to…
But before Hophni could finish, there was a distorted voice in the distance.
Soldier: I heard something. Sounded like some rattling and a loud thud. Going to check it out.
Hophni: Preecha, you have to hide him. He could be the only lead we get tonight.
Preecha looked around and spotted a tall condemned apartment building not too far away. He threw the unconscious Yakuza member over his shoulder and ran as fast as he could into the abandoned building.
Meanwhile, Armand is guided into a room with a bag over his head and two beefy bodyguards on either side. The bag is ripped off his head. His eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, the only light being from a window from behind. It was the bare bones of a room, brick walls surrounding them, no lamps, computers, or television, just a long table and on the other end was Zhong Huan, the enforcer.
Zhong Huan: So, you are the one responsible for that two man raid, stealing from us!
Armand De La Fontaine: Hmm? Oh, well, I think responsibility is an word, Mr. Huan. From my perspective, you are the one responsible by letting yourself get raided by two people...Though...These two were very well trained and are exceptionally talented so I imagine there wasn’t much you can do about it. Haha...I guess I would consider myself responsible…
Armand laughed but was quickly silenced as one of the beefy bodyguards slammed his head into the table.
Zhong Huan: Mr…?
Armand De La Fontaine: Mr. La Fontaine…Armand De La Fontaine…
Zhong Huan: Mr. Fontaine…
Armand De La Fontaine: Nope, not what I said. Mr. LA Fontaine...Very important.
BAM! Once again his face was slammed into the table.
Zhong Huan: Mr. LA Fontaine. Truly, you must understand at this precise moment, you are in our domain. You may think it is funny to act so confident but this is hardly a time for you to act in control as you hold zero leverage, you admitted you stole from us, as well as admitting to having surveyed us for months. It is only out of curiosity that we don’t kill you right away. So, please, can we get straight to the point?
Armand De La Fontaine: First off, a few corrections. One.) I have never been one to believe in home field advantage. Power is about where your pawns are, not where your king is. It is no surprise you and your gang are under fire right now if you truly see it as such. Two.) I always have some form of leverage, it would just be silly to reveal it outright unlike you who played his cards so early. Three.) You didn’t let me live out of curiosity. You let me live and brought me here because you are in the shittiest position you could possibly imagine and you are scrambling for answers, so why not throw the dice and give this man a shot. He did manage to steal from us as well as remain undetected for a good while. It only makes sense.
Zhong Huan: Are you really here to argue semantics and wording with me?!
Armand crossed his legs and sat back.
Armand De La Fontaine: Nope. I just wanted it clear what is really going on here. Your delusion is what got you into this mess after all. But anyways. I know your gang didn’t kill Diego…
There was a subtle sound of vibration from Armand’s pocket. He reached in and pulled out a cellphone. He read the text and then placed it back into his pockets.
Armand De La Fontaine: and from the looks of it, we also have a lead on who did. Here is the deal. One of my men has a person of interest right now. I have deal for you and you will accept.
Zhong Huan: And if I don’t.
Armand De La Fontaine: Well, then it is simple. My guy kills this person who might be the only person in captivity who can give you the info you need, my hundreds of other men will raid this place (that is right, don’t think I didn’t have someone trailing me) and since most of your men are busy fighting this nonsense war, I will leave here without a scratch and you will leave here in a black body bag…
Zhong Huan: If you truly have so many men, then why aren’t you fighting for territory and trying to make a spot for yourself.
Armand De La Fontaine: Many reasons, but partially because Chicago is over saturated with crime as it is. Why break into a business with such cut throat competition? Partially because I am a peaceful man and don’t like wasting the blood of my men when I feel like we could just shake hands instead. I am more of a network man. I like to build a structure of communication and understanding, which it appears you need badly. And also my days as the king are over, I am into a different business now. So, here is the deal. We get that guy here, he tells you everything and in exchange, me and my men are untouchable. You can’t fuck with our operations and you sure as hell can’t have your package back, he works for us now. Get over it quickly, it will be less painful. Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me what you choose to do, because at this rate, the Triad will be nothing and I will be free to do as I please anyways. I am here right now, extending you the courtesy since I am indeed such a peaceful man. So, now that I have thoroughly mopped the floor with you, if you will excuse me, I need to step out for a smoke…
And with that, Armand stood up and walked out the door to wait for Preecha’s arrival. But there was a difficulty there…
Preecha was on the third floor of a seven floor apartment building, he was still carrying the Yakuza member over his shoulder, and the audio-vision sensor in his goggles were going crazy in all directions as a handful of Soldiers were searching for the two. Preecha managed to break into an apartment by breaking down the door of one and using the fire escape to go one down and slip through the luckily unlocked window of the one below. At this moment, the unconscious MacGuffin was laying on the bed and Preecha stared at the door with his pistol out of its holster, preparing for one helluva fight!
Hophni: Armand says that we need to keep the Yakuza member alive and deliver him to the triad for questioning.
Preecha grunted.
Hophni: I know, we would probably be better off being the ones to question him but for the sake of peaceful continuation, we have to make the delivery. You going to have to keep him alive anyways, the drop off is going to be the easy part.
Back at the base, Hophni was endlessly rapping his fingers on the desk. It had been a very long time since he felt so helpless to the whim of things. It was an unusual position for him. An unknown number of his perspectives were closed off, most of them being close to his cluster, which for the most part left him unaware what might be lurking between events, no echoes to determine the next move…
…: Hopni…
…: Hophni…
Hophni felt something open up. It was as if a limb that had fallen asleep had woken up and beyond that was fully active and moving around. Hophni concentrated for a moment until he saw a Hotel...Bellhops, managers, customers, all walking about. His vision moved on and up to the third floor where there was a long stretch of hallway and several members of roomservice pushing around trolleys and members of maintenance checking each unoccupied room. He realized that somehow he was looking into a reality of close relations and this hotel must be the mirror of the apartment…
…: Sorry I’ve been so quiet. Been needing to keep a low profile since I got out of that chamber.
Hophni: Glad to have you back, Bellum. Figured you would have a way to get yourself out of a tight spot. Something fishy is going on and it may just be bigger than all of us…
Bellum: Yeah, I have a theory but we’ll talk about that later. Let’s help your friend out first.
Hophni: Okay...Preecha, from the looks of it, some of the Soldiers are searching from room to room and they are not far off from yours. You might have to fight your way out but you can’t go running and gunning. Find a closet or something to hide in...Take the Yakuza member with you. Worst case scenario, they don’t know he is there with you, you can leave him there for the time being and we can come back to get him when you have left the building and they come following you…
Preecha lifted the unconscious criminal off the bed and dragged him into the closet, pulling the door until there was only a little sliver to see out of. Only seconds later, the door was violently busted in and three soldiers cam running in with guns raised high. Preecha gripped his Desert Eagle tightly as he patiently waited and watched for an opening to form...But before he could make a move, his audio-vision sensor picked up a ruffling behind him. He looked back to see that the Yakuza member was slowly coming out of a daze. He looked up at Preecha, going wide eyed and paled but just as he was about to say something, Preecha covered his mouth and put his finger to his own mask covered mouth, signaling the criminal to stay quiet.
He showed the criminal the menacing figures moving around outside the closet but he only chuckled before stepping out of the closet to present himself. Preecha was stunned as he watched. But for all the confidence, a shot was fired, barely missing the Yakuza member. Following that, Preecha jumped out, tackled him to the ground and began firing at the soldiers.
The rounds didn’t manage to pierce the kevlar armor they wore but did manage to knock them back hard enough that Preecha could bring the Yakuza member to his feet and run out the opening, into the hallway. But out there they faced more soldiers far down the hallway. Preecha urgently looked around until he spotted the door to the stairwell. He tossed the criminal into it, forcing it open before running after, barely being missed by the cascade of bullets.
The kickboxer quickly grabbed the Yakuza member again and rushed him down the stairs, making his way to the first floor. He looked at the criminal who was wide eyed with shock as he for some reason didn’t expect to be shot at by state goons. Preecha thought about that for a moment and how that related to the assassination of Diego Garcia but before he searched too deep into the idea, Hophni broke in.
Hophni: Careful, there is a troop of them at the bottom of the stairwell, you are going to have to exit onto the second floor and find another way down.
Preecha got to the second floor and hurried on through the door. He looked both ways down the hall but on the far end was a single soldier coming around the corner. Upon seeing Preecha, the Soldier surprisingly threw his gun to the side and cracked his neck. Preecha smiled as he turned to the criminal and pointed down, signalling him to stay put.
The soldier began walking down the hall and Preecha proceeded to do the same but it only took them seconds before they were at a full charge after each other. Preecha came out with a flying knee but the Soldier ducked. They both spun around and the soldier returned with a roundhouse but Preecha was able to bring up his arm fast enough to block. In one fluid motion, he wrapped his around his opponent’s leg and tried to lean in with a back spin elbow but the soldier was too fast, blocking the strike and replying with a knee to Preecha’s side. Preecha stepped back, gripping his side but didn’t wait long to launch into a teep kick to the face, sending the soldier back a couple of steps going Preecha the room to come in with another running knee, making contact with the soldier’s mask. But the soldier was quick enough to wrap his arms around the kickboxer’s leg and pull him over his head.
Preecha came flying over but didn’t let himself collide with the ground, instead rolling out and taking another charge at his opponent but almost in a blink he was met with a BOOM! Superkick, sending Preecha to the ground in a daze. The soldier turned away and aimed his attention at the Yakuza member who had remained there during the fight. The criminal went wide eyed again as he stared on in fear. The soldier began walking down the hall but before he reached the target, he heard a gravelly shout come from behind.
Preecha Kamon: Yoooou! Meeeee! We still fight!
Preecha pulled down his mask, revealing his bloody nose as he approached the Soldier. Meeting in the middle, they started exchanging blows; knees, kicks, punches. Straight unblocked strikes to each man. The soldier came in with a heavy blow, looking to end it. But Preecha side stepped and responded with a round house of his own, knocking off the soldier’s helmet and sending him to the ground.
Preecha was shocked to find a familiar face underneath. What he was looking at was Frank Venable.
Hophni: Wait. That doesn’t make any sense, this doesn’t line up…
Preecha lifted his gaze from what appeared to be more questions than answers only to realize that the man he was supposed to be watching was gone. Preecha quickly took to the stairwell, racing down to the first floor, only to find through the window of the door, a dead body with a bullet hole right through the head. Preecha stared in shock as multiple soldiers were walking away. One removing his helmet as he did so.
Hophni: I...was that...FPV? But, you just left him up...Even I am having a hard time understanding this...You need to leave now...I’ll contact Armand and let him know we had a problem with the drop off.
Hophni sighed as he used the computer to call up Armand who was standing outside what appeared to be a warehouse from outside but inside was an almost fortress-like structure. He was smoking an American spirit when his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and put it on speaker.
Armand De La Fontaine: What do you have for me?
Hophni: It’s a no go. Terminated. I would leave right now if I were you. When you get back, we have some interesting information
Armand De La Fontaine: Okay. If it wasn’t possible, then it wasn’t possible. If Preecha couldn’t do it, then no one could. I’ll see you back at base.
As Armand hung up, Zhong Huan stepped out of the building with the two beefy bodyguards next to him.
Zhong Huan: Where is my man?
Armand smirked as he turned around.
Armand De La Fontaine: Well, I’m afraid I have to go. Remember this was a courtesy, and sometimes courtesies have to go unfulfilled in ways. The important thing was the idea and that we talked. I imagine we will be in touch... ‘Til next time...Au Revoir!
Armand turned away then proceeded into the dark night as Zhong snarled but did not go after the intruder. He simply turned back and simply entered the warehouse.