The Adventures of Dustin Beaver, ep. 5 "Action!"
Jun 19, 2016 3:31:10 GMT -6
Spencer Adams and Crow McMorris like this
Post by Dustin Beaver on Jun 19, 2016 3:31:10 GMT -6
Sunday June 12th, 7:47 pm
The scene opens with Dustin Beaver standing at the end of the entrance ramp with his arms raised victoriously over his head just after defeating Kyle Cameron at Lazarus. Beavs has just dispatched Cameron with much greater ease than he had thought possible, and is feeling the best he had felt in a long time. Dustin’s new manager, Vengeance, stands silently behind Beaver with his arms intimidatingly crossed in front of his chest. Beavs motions to Vengeance for them to start heading back to the locker room area and as Dustin walks back, he notices the crowd reaction to his triumph. More cheers than boos are able to be heard and not only that, Beaver could hear a “That’s good, Bea-ver!” chant echo through the arena. Beavs laughs at this response as he didn’t think his new material would take off right away, but it appears that it’s doing just fine at this point. Dustin turns around to look at Vengeance and he points to the UCI Universe around them. Vengeance slowly nods in acknowledgement of what is taking place in the audience. Once they reach the top of the ramp, Beaver bows to the crowd and blows a kiss in either direction, receiving even more adulation from the masses at The Warehouse. Once safely behind the curtain, Beavs turns around again to face Vengeance, still chuckling to himself.
Dustin Beaver: “Veng, you hear that shit, man?! They loved me out there and I fucking destroyed that Cameron asshole…er, guy I mean!”
Vengeance slowly nods again.
Vengeance: “Yeah you sure as hell dominated that Cameron dick hole, but now you’ll face the real test next week.”
Dustin’s eyes go wide as he just now remembers that him winning his match at Lazarus means that he’ll get a TV Title shot.
DB: “Holy shit man, I totally forgot that winning that shit earned me a shot at the TV Title! I was just happy about picking up a ‘W’ and having the crowd react the way they did!”
Vengeance again performs his trademark slow nod.
Vengeance: “We have some work to do, but if you go out there next week and do the same shit you just did out there tonight, you’ll be stomping another mud hole in someone’s ass.”
Beaver punches his fist into his open hand.
DB: “Damn right, I need to just keep training like a beast and spreading my message of positivity throughout the wrestling world!”
Beavs points back towards the wrestling ring.
DB: “I mean did you hear those people out there? They were already chanting the new slogan I came up with this last week! If we keep up with getting the word out, we’re gonna be the top fucking thing around not only this place, but every damn wrestling org in the world!”
Vengeance executes a perfect slow nod.
Vengeance: “Yeah, I was honestly a little surprised that caught on so quickly. You’re going to have to come up with something this week that helps that shit keep rolling along.”
Dustin rubs his chin for a moment as he thinks. What could he do that would reach even more people in a large audience and to make it even better, be related to TV with his TV Title shot happening next Sunday.
Then like a Shea Weber slapshot, it hit him.
DB: “Veng bro, I just thought of an incredible idea. I’m going to have to make a few phone calls to pull this shit off, but I 100% Beavlieve that I can make it happen!”
Vengeance shrugs his monstrous shoulders.
Vengeance: “Well what the hell are we doing still standing here then? Let’s go make your damn phone calls.”
Beaver giggles and points at the face painted mammoth.
DB: “See, now that’s why you’re my manager! Alright, let’s get out of here.”
Monday June 13th, 1:55 pm
Dustin Beaver and Vengeance are back in Toronto, and Beavs has just completed a short training day at ‘The 6 Wrestling School’. He has already talked to Liam Gagnon about having a special activity planned for the day, which Gags had laughed at but approved of and Dustin and Vengeance are now getting into Beaver’s black Escalade.
DB: “Alright man, are you ready for this?”
Vengeance buckles his seatbelt and shrugs.
Vengeance: “I guess so; you said you’re doing all the talking, right?”
Beavs nods.
DB: “Yeah, you know more or less. I think you might have like one line to say, I think you can handle it there, big man.”
Vengeance snickers.
Vengeance: “I guess we’ll find out. How about you just get us there first?”
Dustin shakes his head back and forth.
DB: “How about some positive vibes, brah? I need you feeling the right energy if we’re gonna go do this damn thing right now.”
Vengeance slowly turns to face Beaver.
Vengeance: “Fine, Great Beaver, show me the way!”
Beavs looks mildly irritated by Vengeance’s antics, but he manages a smile.
DB: “Good, now here we go!”
Monday June 13th, 2:57 pm
Dustin Beaver and Vengeance are at the Pinewood Toronto Studios surveying the setup for their afternoon activity. Beavs looks around at the accommodations and lets out a laugh.
DB: “Damn Veng, this shit is like an exact replica of some cheesy talk show stage. I mean look at this place!”
True enough, there was a pastel blue wall with “Beavlieve!” prominently displayed on it in bright white letters. On the shag carpeting that covered the floors, two fake potted plants sat on either side of where the carpet ended and the bare studio floors began. On the middle of the carpet sat two not so comfortable looking yellow chairs. In front of the chairs was a large studio camera and lighting setup, ready to go whenever the time came. Just as Dustin is finishing assessing his surroundings, a middle aged man in a tacky suit approaches him and Vengeance with a cheesy grin on his face.
Businessman: “Gentlemen it’s good to see you! I’m Mr. White; I’m the man that makes sure everything runs smoothly for you today. Is this studio setup adequate to your needs?”
Beaver and Vengeance once again look around, starting in opposite directions. They scan the area and eventually meet each other’s gaze before they both turn to look at Mr. White at the same time. Beavs nods his head while Vengeance stands silently in place.
DB: “Yeah this will work one question though. Don’t we need like a studio audience? I have a feeling this is going to fall flat if we have no one here to react to our message.”
Mr. White places his hand on Dustin’s shoulder.
Mr. White: “Yeah, don’t worry about that Mr. Beaver. We’ll be able to add the appropriate crowd reaction in post; we’ll also make sure you approve of all editing before the final video hits the open airwaves.”
Beaver nods approvingly glancing over at Vengeance and then returning to Mr. White.
DB: “Sounds perfect, well I suppose we’re ready to start then!”
Mr. White gives him a thumbs up.
Mr. White: “Excellent, I’ll get the crew over here and we’ll get started! How about you two take your seats and I’ll let you know when we’re ready to start!”
Beavs motions over to the chairs with his thumbs.
DB: “Awesome, we’ll be here!”
Dustin and Vengeance walk over the Big Bird yellow chairs and take their seats. Beaver wiggles around as he struggles to find a comfortable sitting position.
DB: “Gosh damn, these chairs suck. My ass is probably going to be numb after this is over with.”
Vengeance lets out a short laugh.
Vengeance: “Come on, Mr. Positivity, you better stop being a complainy pants and start getting in the ‘Good Beaver’ mode.”
Beavs shoots Vengeance a less than amused glance, but he knows he’s right.
DB: “Ugh you’re right; I guess these chairs…challenge you to use correct posture.”
Vengeance smirks.
Vengeance: “Ha, some shit like that I guess.”
As Dustin is finally able to get into a relaxed position, Mr. White returns with his recording crew.
Mr. White: “Gentlemen, we will be ready momentarily. Do you have any questions before we begin?”
Vengeance raises his hand.
Vengeance: “Yeah, where’s your shitter at? I have a feeling I’m going to have to take a massive dump after this is over with.”
Beaver lowers his head, shaking it back and forth as Mr. White stutters on the question presented to him.
Mr. White: “Um, there are, uh, restrooms down the hall over there and to the left…”
Vengeance gives him a thumbs up.
Vengeance: “Cool, thanks.”
Mr. White hesitates before speaking again.
Mr. White: “…are there, uh, any other questions guys?”
Beavs quickly speaks up before Vengeance gets another chance to.
DB: “No we’re good, just let us know when you’re ready!”
After a moment, Mr. White confers with his technicians they signal that they’re ready to go. White points to Dustin; Beaver gives him one more thumbs up.
Mr. White: “three, two, one, action!”
Beavs starts off by flashing his bright white winning smile to the camera as the face painted manager, Vengeance, sits there motionless.
DB: “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Dustin Beaver, aka The Great Beaver, aka The Supreme Beavliever, and I’m here today to tell you about some exciting news!”
Dustin points at the camera.
DB: “Thanks to all of the support from you guys, all of the Beavlievers out there, I won my match at UCI’s first ever Pay-per-View, Lazarus, and earned my shot at their TV Title.”
Beaver nods confidently.
DB: “That’s right, we took one look at our opponent and said “Ew that’s nasty, Beaver” to Kyle Cameron and showed him that when you have a positive attitude, you can go out there and put on a clinic. When it was over, I was able to tell myself, “Damn that’s good, Beaver” and be proud of what I was able to do out there.”
Beavs smile fades as his face looks more serious.
DB: “And now Beavlievers, the real task is at hand. June 19th, live from The Warehouse in Chicago, Illinois, we will take on the current UCI TV champ, Wentworth Updegraff Jr.”
Dustin throws his arms up as he shrugs.
DB: “Now I gotta hand it to this guy, he’s the first and only TV champ UCI has had up to this point. He’s already defended the belt twice, including picking up a win against my boy, Kyle Kemp, at Lazarus. Obviously this is impressive and is no small feat.”
Beaver kicks his feet up a little as he now begins to look more relaxed.
DB: “Here’s where we begin to talk about the problems you have facing the Great Beaver, Mr. Updegraff. First off, I wasn’t able to find your promo from last week, but I sure as hell caught the one before it.”
Beavs leans over in his chair, taking the heart to heart chat position.
DB: “Being a “good looking, egotistical asshole” is nothing to be proud of Wentworth. In fact, that’s something that the Beavlievers and I now refer to as an ‘Ew, that’s nasty, Beaver!” statement. Because you know who else has been a good looking, egotistical asshole for most of their wrestling career?”
Dustin points at himself.
DB: “This guy right here. Sure, I had an over two month TV Title reign with another organization but you know what happened one night? I lost my TV Title, and in losing that title, I almost completely lost my sense of self and purpose.”
Beaver slowly sits back up.
DB: “I was fortunate that I had a great group of people around me who were there to help me get back on my feet, but if they wouldn’t have been there, who the hell knows where I’d be now.”
Beavs gives the camera a curious look.
DB: “Who do you have to help you out, that keeps you on a path that leads to current and future success?”
Dustin scratches the back of his head and looks up in the air as he “thinks”.
DB: “Ah yes that’s right, you have your manager, your big brother, Hunter.”
Beaver stares straight at the camera, shaking his head back and forth.
DB: “Listen, it’s pretty obvious to everyone in the galaxy that that guy is more concerned about partying and seeing “bitches naked” than he is with properly managing a professional athlete, even if it is his own flesh and blood.”
Beavs motions to the mountain of a man next to him.
DB: “You see this guy right here next to me? I know you do because he’s a gigantic monster, but this man is Vengeance. He is a multi-time wrestling champion and knows what it takes to win. He’s all business all the time and he makes sure that I stay on the path that leads to me becoming better and winning as many matches as humanly possible.”
Dustin again points towards the camera.
DB: “While you’re out there “being sophisticated”, I’m out here doing everything I possibly can to make sure that I defeat my opponent week after week.”
Beaver points towards his ear.
DB: “Sure I’ve heard you talk all that smack about how you’re the first UCI champion ever and how you’re some kind of legend in wrestling. Do you know what all of that talking means to me, Mr. Updegraff?”
Beavs forms a knifehand with his right hand and makes a chopping motion with it across his neck.
DB: “Not a damn thing. I’ve gone toe to toe with plenty of people, who are considered ‘legends’, in this business. I didn’t come out on the winning end every time, but I guar-an-damn-tee you that I gave them a hell of a fight every single time.”
Dustin points his knifehand at the camera.
DB: “If you think you’re going to roll into The Warehouse and easily take out this motivated of a Dustin Beaver, well, you’re just delusional and in for the ass kicking of your life.”
Beaver leans in towards the camera.
DB: “The Great Beaver is still a legend in the making, and the next step to me achieving that goal is to become the UCI TV Champion. Whether you like it or not, Wentworth, I AM the next UCI TV Champion. You with your poor attitude and management aren’t going to be able to stop what the Supreme Beavliever brings to the table.”
Beavs punches his chin.
DB: “But don’t get me wrong, I want you to give me a good fight. I want you to throw every damn thing you have at me so we blow the damn roof off The Warehouse. And when it’s all said and done and I’m standing over you, holding my and all of the Beavlievers out there's TV title, there will be no question of who the better man was that night and is period. As I walk out of the ring, the only thing you’ll be able to say as your writhing on the ground in pain is, Damn that’s good, Beaver.”
Dustin holds his finger up in the air.
DB: “I do want you to learn a lesson from your defeat though, Wentworth. I hope you find out that thinking of others in a more positive manner will carry you through, even the dark times… But on Sunday June 19th, the people won’t be making any noise for you, they will be cheering for their new UCI TV Champion, Dustin Beaver, you can…BEAVLIEVE THAT.”
Beaver signals for the camera crew to stop recording. Mr. White begins to clap.
Mr. White: “That was a wonderful performance, Mr. Beaver! I’ll get my best people to begin editing this footage right way and I’ll give you a call as soon as we feel like we have it completed perfectly!”
Beavs smiles, his white teeth gleaming in the studio lighting.
DB: “Sounds great, Mr. White. And like you told me on the phone earlier, this will be on public television through the entire country of Canada?”
White nods his head enthusiastically.
Mr. White: “Yes, Mr. Beaver, that is correct. And I will give you a copy of the footage to upload to your website as discussed as well!”
Dustin continues to smile as he sticks his hand out.
DB: “Well then all I have left to say to you is thank you, Mr. White, and I look forward to hearing from you again soon!”
White returns Beaver’s gesture, shaking his hand.
Mr. White: “Very good, enjoy the rest of your day, Mr. Beaver! … and erm, Mr. Vengeance.”
The massive manager stands just behind Beavs in his patented arms crossed pose.
Vengeance: “Thanks, Dustin you can head out to the car; I’m gonna go take that dump.”
Beaver grins at White as Vengeance strides away.
DB: “He’s a REALLY good manager, I promise.”
As Beavs exits the Pinewood Toronto Studios, he feels filled with hope. Wentworth Updegraff Jr. represents the attitude that Dustin used to think would carry him to wrestling greatness. However, he knows that eventually the power of that way of life faded. But now here he was, with a style that has not only been helping him win and earn opportunities, but is slowly turning the masses in his favor.
DB: “You’re going to win that TV title, Dustin, you’re now a better person AND wrestler than Wentworth is. You’re going to show him that being positive and leading a life that contributes to society and not just your own personal gain is the way to go. All I have to do is… BEAVLIEVE!”